Second National Stakeholder Workshop: Discussion and validation of an Oceans Economy and Trade Strategy for Belize. Marine finfish species and seafood manufacturing

04 - 05 December 2019
Belize City
, Belize

​A key milestone of UNCTAD-DOALOS project “Evidence-based and policy coherent oceans economy and trade strategies” (OETS project) implemented in cooperation with the Commonwealth Secretariat is the presentation, discussion and validation of a proposed Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies for Belize.

At the Second National Stakeholders Workshop in December, 2019, the National Focal Points, UNCTAD and DOALOS consultant will present a draft strategy and a plan of action for the two sectors selected and their related value chains– namely, marine finfish species (not shellfish) and seafood manufacturing.

 The objective of the strategy will be to enable the integration and strengthen the different links and stages of the selected value chains at the national level with a view to reaching internal, regional and international markets. The contents of the draft strategy and plan of action were developed based on inputs obtained during the First National Stakeholder Workshop in 2018. The draft action plan will contain a set of strategic actions seeking to implement the strategy, list of relevant actors and partners, the timeframe for implementation as well as an estimation of the resources needed.

The overall proposed goal of the OETS report and derived action plan in Belize will be to promote the competitiveness and sustainability of the fishing sector, specifically in the sectors related to marine finfish species and seafood manufacturing, while improving the quality of life of people engaged in fishing, and ensuring the sustainability of resources in the long term.

After the discussion, review and validation of the OETS report and plan of action, UNCTAD and DOALOS in cooperation with the Commonwealth Secretariat will seek to support Belize in the implementation of 1-2 selected priority actions within their areas of competence. All the lessons learned in Belize and in the other beneficiary countries (Costa Rica and Barbados), will be presented in a regional event in 2020, probably during the UNCTAD 15 Conference, to be held in Barbados.


UNCTAD-UNDOALOS in cooperation with the Commonwealth Secretariat

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Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch

Evidence-based and policy coherent Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies


Mr. David Vivas Eugui
Mr. François Bailet
Commonwealth Secretariat
Ms. Rosemarie Cadogan
Belize Fisheries Department
Ms. Felicia Cruz
Belize Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade and Commerce
Ms. Denise Swan Murrillo